The accelerating pace of technology innovation certainly has the potential to reap benefits for federal agencies, offering potential game-changers and force-multipliers for agency operations and missions. But there’s a catch: Agencies first need to figure out how to adopt these technologies within the parameters set by existing policies, processes and mandates.
The AFCEA Washington, DC Emerging Technology Working Group invites you to join us on Tuesday, June 4th, at the National Press Club for the second summit of our 2019 series discussing Accelerating Technology Adoption. This half-day event—featuring keynotes from government leaders, government- and industry-led panels, networking and more—will take a deep-dive into the many new express pathways for taking new technologies from the labs into operations. 


Tuesday, June 4, 2019
7:00 AM – 12:00 PM
The National Press Club
529 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20045
Standard Registration 
AFCEA Member: $175
AFCEA Non-Member: $225
Academia: $125
Government: Complimentary*
On-site Registration 
AFCEA Member: $200
AFCEA Non-Member: $250
Academia: $150
Government: Complimentary*
* Reserved for current government and active duty military – excludes government contractors.