Tuesday, April 24, 2018
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Registration, Networking, Breakfast, Exhibits
8:00 AM - 8:15 AM
Welcome and Opening Remarks
8:15 AM - 9:00 AM
Opening Keynote
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Panel 1- IoT Procurement: Assembling the Pieces
IoT procurement is still a work in progress. Although the various components of IoT are generally available in the market, the federal government lacks the cohesive acquisition ecosystem needed to support widespread IoT adoption, both in terms of providing integrated solutions and achieving economies of scale. This session will look at emerging best practices in assembling an IoT acquisition strategy. Potential topics to be addressed include:
  • Integrated solutions: One procurement, multiple components
  • Defining requirements: Tech specs vs. mission outcome
  • IoT defined: How industry can help agency procurement officials
  • R&D pilots: The role of OTAs and public-private partnerships
  • Moderator: Jason Miller, Executive Editor/Reporter, Federal News Radio
  • David Mordecai, PhD., Co-Managing Member, Numerati Partners LLC; Scientist-in-Residence, FinTech Innovation Lab, Partnership for NYC; Lead Investigator, RiskEcon Lab for Decision Metrics- Courant Institute for Mathematical Sciences, NYU
  • Jonathan Mostowski, President, Agile Acquisitions and Acquisition Strategist & Bureaucracy Hacker, U.S. Digital Service 
  • Bradley Smith, Branch Chief/Contracting Officer, Office of Acquisitions, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Networking Break
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Panel 2- Governance and Security: Keeping Pace with IoT Threats
As IoT initiatives become a more integral part of agency operations, they will draw increasing attention from malicious actors looking to disrupt services or siphon off data. The challenge is that in many cases, IoT is being implemented without the kind of security features and practices that have evolved in more traditional IT environments. This session will look at steps that agencies can take to address emerging cyber threats. Potential topics to be addressed include:
  • Dynamic cyber terrain protection: Options for providing real-time changes to policy, permissions, and system patches
  • Supply chain threats: Emerging strategies for securing the manufacturing and development origin of IoT devices and the related component ecosystem
  • Identity management: Authentication-related protocols and policies that can shore up weaknesses in the security architecture
  • Hardware encryption: How to mitigate the potential for the transmission or storage of unencrypted data 
  • Moderator: Robert Hembrook, Director, Cyber Security Division, Office of the Chief Information Officer, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • Kevin Garrison, Chief of Analytics, Office of Special Assistant for Governance and Analytics, Department of Defense 
  • Dr. Ernest (Ernie) Hampson, Chief Scientist, National Security Solutions, Jacobs 
  • Robert (Bob) Metzger, Government Contracts, Complex Commercial Litigation Practice Group, Rogers Joseph O'Donnell
  • Scott Tousley Deputy Director, Cyber Division, Department of Homeland Security
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Panel 3- Leveraging IoT: What’s Needed to Make It Work
As agencies explore the possibilities of IoT, they will find that they need to think about a whole host of new technology issues—or think about familiar issues in new ways. This session will focus on the key considerations that must be addressed as part of many IoT initiatives. Potential topics to be addressed include:
  • Managing the data explosion: IoT, supply chains, logistics and blockchain
  • Weaving a web of sensors: Tactics, benefits and obsolescence
  • The need for ubiquitous reliable communications: Because silence isn’t golden
  • Moderator: Mike Ridge, Embedded Systems Security Architect, Draper Laboratory, Inc.
  • Jeff Evans, Director, Inforamtion and COmmunications Lab, Georgia Tech Research Institute
  • Edward Griffor, PhD., Associate Director for Cyber-Physical Systems, Smart Grid and Cyber-Physical Systems Programs, NIST
  • Dr. Leslie Perkins, Deputy Chief Technology Officer, Office of Information Dominance and Chief Information Officer, (SAF/CIO A6), U.S. Air Force 
  • Jeff Seaton, Acting Deputy Chief Information Officer, National Aeronautic and Space Administration 
12:15 PM - 12:30 PM