Morning Fireside Chat
Frank Konieczny
Chief Technology Officer
Office of Information Dominance and Chief Information Officer
United States Air Force
Panel 1- IoT Procurement: Assembling the Pieces
Johnathan Mostowski
Agile Acquisitions
Acquisition Strategist & Bureaucracy Hacker, U.S. Digital Service
David Mordecai, Phd
Co-Managing Member, Numerati Partners LLC
Scientis-in-Residence, FinTech Innovation Lab, Partnership for NYC
Lead Investigator, RiskEcon Lab for Decision Metrics-Courant Institute for Matheatical Sciences NYU
Panel 2- Governance and Security: Keeping the Pace with IoT Threats
Robert Hembrook
Director, Cyber Security Division
Office of the Chief Information Officer
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Robert (Bob) Metzger
Government Contracts
Complex Commerical Litigation Practice Group
Rogers Joseph O'Donnell
Kevin Garrison
Principal Director, Director of Analytics, Deputy Chief Information Officer for Business Process and Systems Review
Department of Defense
Panel 3 - Leveraging IOT: What's Needed to Make it Work
Jeff Seaton
Acting Deputy Chief Information Officer
National Aeronautic and Space Administration
Dr.Leslie Perkins
Deputy Chief Technology Officer,
Office of Information Dominance and Chief Information Officer (SAF/CIO A6)
United States Air Force
Dr. Edward (Ed) Griffor
Assoicate Director, Smart Grid and Cyber Physical Systems Program Office